Where Happiness Meets Success

Coaching, Community, and Personal Growth with Dr. Kiki Ramsey

Are you ready to Create Your Own Happiness and Thrive?

Welcome to Thrive Society!

I’m Dr. Kiki, and I’m so excited you are here! As a leading positive psychologist, executive coach, and passionate advocate for women’s empowerment, I’m deeply committed to the idea that happiness fuels success. It’s time to stop just surviving and start thriving! I believe amazing things happen when we nurture every aspect of our lives. That’s why I’m dedicated to providing the coaching and support you need to not only achieve success but to truly thrive and be happy because a little support and inspiration can work wonders at work and at home.

Our Mission

Here at Thrive Society, my goal is simple yet profound: to empower you to create your own Happiness so you can Thrive. Girl Friend, I’m here to help you grow in your career, finances, relationships, health, emotional and spiritual life while finding deep personal happiness and fulfillment. I’ve cultivated an exciting and inviting community where you can connect with other driven women, exchange ideas, and grow together. It’s a place to be inspired, learn, and thrive.

Have you ever said to yourself:

I hate my job and want to find something better: You feel unfulfilled or unhappy in your current role and are searching for a career that aligns with your passions and values.

I struggle to balance work and personal life: You find it challenging to manage your responsibilities and personal time effectively, leading to stress and burnout.

I feel overwhelmed by my current challenges: You’re facing obstacles that seem insurmountable and need guidance and support to overcome them and achieve your goals.

I am ready to move up in my career but don’t know how: You’ve reached a point where you’re ready to advance but are unsure of the steps or strategies needed to get promoted or transition to a higher role.

I want to build more meaningful relationships: You’re looking to enhance your personal connections and create a supportive network of friends and colleagues.

I’m exhausted: You are tired of the hustle and bustle of daily life and need to give yourself permission for some good old self-care.

If you have ever felt like this, you are not alone.

Many women face these challenges, and it’s okay to seek support and guidance. But there is one thing I know for sure: you’ve already had a lot of success in your life, you are strong and resilient, and you are capable of living the life you desire. You are ready for the next level and with the right tools, strategies, and community, you can overcome these obstacles and achieve your goals. Thrive Society is here to support you every step of the way on your journey to happiness and success. 

Here’s What You Get Inside Thrive Society

Live Coaching Session with Dr. Kiki

Let’s face it: you are here to learn and grow, right? And Thrive Society is the only place you get access to my personal coaching and training. I’m bursting with insights and ideas that I can’t wait to share with you! Every month, you and the rest of the #ThriveTribe will jump on a live coaching call with me. We’ll dive into our theme of the month—be it career moves, emotional wellness, money matters, relationships, health, or spiritual growth. These sessions are super interactive and your chance to get some tailored advice, and maybe even have the opportunity for some one-on-one coaching.

Live with Dr. Kiki

Tune in Live for some game-changing topics and personal insights that can transform the way you think, feel, and act. Whenever I go live, I’ll be dropping practical tips and real-time advice to help you handle daily challenges with ease. This will be your opportunity to hop on and get hands-on solutions, and grab a fresh dose of inspiration.

Daily Inspo from Dr. Kiki

Let me add some sparkle to your day! Every day, I’ll send you a burst of motivation with my messages that include inspiring quotes, uplifting affirmations, thought-provoking questions, and hands-on advice. These nuggets are crafted to fuel your journey and keep your spirits high. Whether you’re tackling challenges or celebrating victories, this daily dose is here to help you stay inspired and on track towards your dreams and goals.

Access to Dr. Kiki and Friends

Joining Thrive Society means you get more than just me—you’re also getting insider access to my awesome circle of friends! These aren’t just any friends; they’re movers and shakers, the kind of people who’ve done some pretty amazing stuff in their careers and lives. Every now and then, they’ll pop in to hang out with us, dishing out some killer advice, cool tools, and smart strategies to help you ace your game. It’s like getting VIP backstage passes to chat with the pros and soak up all their success secrets.

Each of these benefits is tailored to empower you, inspire your journey, and ensure you’re not just reaching your goals but also enjoying the path to success.

And there is more !

Virtual Video Lesson

Every month, you'll get to jump into a brand-new video lesson that's all about boosting your skills and knowledge—both in your personal life and on the job. I pack these videos with tons of useful insights and easy-to-implement strategies that you can start using right away. Whether you're looking to up your game at work or just want to handle everyday stuff better, these lessons are like having your own personal coach in your living room. So, grab a cup of coffee or tea, hit play, and let’s get learning!

Thrive Journal

Every month, you’ll get your hands on our Thrive Journal, and trust me, it’s not just another notebook. This thing is packed with powerful questions that’ll make you think, exercises to challenge your usual ways of seeing things, and plenty of space to track all the awesome stuff you’re achieving. Plus, it helps you reflect on what you’ve learned and plot out those big dreams for the future. Think of it as your personal guidebook—your personal roadmap, helping you get from A to where you want to B.

Inspirational Challenges and Prompts

Who doesn’t need a little nudge now and then? In Thrive Society, you’ll not only receive personal motivation directly from me but we also have some cool challenges and thought-provoking prompts to inspire you weekly. These aren’t just any tasks—they’re designed to spark your creativity, get you thinking differently, and push you just the right amount out of your comfort zone. Expect a fun mix of reflection and a bit of stretch that will keep you growing and zooming towards your dreams.

Community and Networking

When you join Thrive Society, you're not just signing up for another group—you're becoming part of the #ThriveTribe. This is where you meet your people, the ones who get your goals and cheer on your success. We’re all about supporting each other because we believe everyone deserves to find their tribe. Here, it’s like a sisterhood; we share laughs, swap stories, and help each other out. It’s more than networking—it’s making friends who turn into family as we all thrive together.

Thrive, Society members can expect less stress, greater career advancement, improved work-life harmony, and more happiness and fulfillment in life.

And there is more !

Access To Life Changing Courses, Group Coaching, and Challenges

When you join Thrive Society, you're unlocking access to some of my most transformational courses like "Thrive—Transform Your Life and Career" and "Pursuit of Your Purpose." These aren't just any courses—they're your toolkit for leveling up your life and career, boosting your happiness, and really helping you thrive. Plus, you'll have access to join any of my personal group coaching programs and challenges that are all about pushing you to the next level in a fun and supportive way.

Unlimited Playbacks

Miss a session? No worries at all! In Thrive Society, we’ve got your back with unlimited playbacks. This means you can watch any of our sessions whenever you want, as many times as you like. It’s perfect for catching up at your own pace or revisiting those wow moments when you need a little extra inspiration. Think of it as having 24/7 access to a treasure trove of empowering advice and insights—ready whenever you are!

Results you can get by joining Thrive Society with
Dr. Kiki Ramsey.

Career Advancement

Many women have achieved significant career advancements, including promotions to higher-level positions and successful career transitions into roles that better align with their passions and strengths.

Improved Work-Life Harmony

By implementing my strategies, many women have successfully created a more harmonized life, allowing them to excel professionally while also dedicating time to personal interests and family.

Greater Job Satisfaction

Members frequently experience a significant increase in job satisfaction and overall happiness at work, stemming from a better understanding of their values and how to align their work with these values.

Goal Achievement

Members have successfully set and achieved personal and professional goals, from launching new businesses to completing advanced degrees and certifications.

Personal Growth

Many women report significant personal growth, including increased resilience, a more positive mindset, and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives.

Increased Confidence

Members report a noticeable boost in self-confidence and self-efficacy, empowering them to tackle challenging projects, speak up in meetings, and pursue ambitious goals.

Enhanced Leadership Skills

My coaching has helped members develop and hone their leadership skills, resulting in better team management, more effective communication, and increased influence within their organizations.

Stress Reduction

Through mindfulness practices and self-care strategies, many women have learned to manage and reduce stress, leading to improved mental health and well-being.

Enhanced Relationships

Improved communication and interpersonal skills have led to stronger and more fulfilling relationships both at work and in their personal lives.

Join the Thrive Wait-list

My Happiness Journal

The Purpose Pledge

Passion & Purpose-Driven Questions